Pancho Villa- one of the leaders of the opposition to the constiutiolansts. Quiet in the revolution until the US occupies a port city- Cruz in response to the humiliation of US citizens. Along with the Zapatistsas, Villa forces formed the largest, most populist base of the Mexican population.k He makes a cross-border attack on Columbus, N.M,, which he is most famous for, to incite a US invasion which would make the constutionalists unable to receive the weapons they thought Constitutionalists were getting from America. The US support and training which eventually would allow the US backed-Constitulationsists sto crush the largeer but poorly equipped Villa and Zapata armies.
Spell Constitfuckshit right
The assumptions that inform the US historian's statement are part of the doctrinal core of U.S. Mainstsream thoght. He wishes the reader to follow the government's narrative of the events that transpired during the 19th century. This historian wants the reader to follow his line of thought that Cuba only popped up on the rader of the policy makers when the Cuban revolution started garnering US public interest..He is claiming that America doesnt have a choice, manifest destiny, sense of duty.
Because he completley ignored the elite policy planning from the 19th century, he can slip in the word 'secretley motivated' as if in the claim of US imperial intent is a crazed conspiracy theory””
Not only ignoring US policy thinking, he ignored Latin American writers who predicting the outcome and motivations of the US intervention years before it happened, who saw it a mile away.
Because of the historians complete lack of historical context in his statement.
Jose Enrique Rodo from [Nicaragua?], writing in 1901, depicts the Spanish-elistist reaction to US imperialistm. Most famous for his referenece to Shakespeare, he defines Latin America has the innocent wholesome creature and America as evil, money-hungry and goddless. He was most famous among ekute bescause he stressed the Spainish qualities and whiteness of the population, downploaying the mestizaje, which is why he works and influence become less popular in subsequent decades.
The canal treaty- 1903 with Panama- first example of Gunboat Diplomacy- when Columbia turned down a treaty giving US soverignty over the Canal Zone for 99 years, the US supported an inserrection in Panama, moved in Gunboats, and signed this treaty w/ the French represtative of the new panamanian gov't. This treaty was different, however, as it granted the US the land in perpetuity. Once the Canal was taken, this justified occupying and intervening in other countries ex Nicaragua to prevent other countries from creating alternative cnalas and the Caribean to ensure safe passage between the US and the canal.
Mestizaje-The term for the process of the mizing of the indigenous, black and Europoean races in LA. This was both a strong feature in Lation American nationalist, a thread that gave Latin America a trans-national identity different than that of 'Western' countries, but also served as the justification for Western Countries, bur also served as the justification for Western Imperialsm. As early as 1832 John Quincy Adams was commenting on the fact that because Cuba is mixed self- (also add Jose Marti's view- how did he use it(race to unify Cubans)
August Ceasr Sandino-Internationalky renouned Nicaaguan freedom fighter in the 1920 Nicaragua. His name was borrowed by the Sandinistas to eventually defeat the US suported Somozas dictatorship- a symbol of resistance to the U.S. Kept out of the early Nicaraguan conflict, but in the 20s, when the liberals & conservatives signed a US-brokered peace deal, Sandino denounced them as collaborators and vowed the US Marines supporting the Gov't until the last one of them was gone. In the standard imperial pattern- his insurgency was depicted as bandits by the government. This wasn't challenged until a journalist from the Nation wrote a peace on him0 with the line Sandino you are as much of a bandit as the US president is a Bolshevick- this cause huge embarassemt to the YS, along with the large amount of international support for Sandino. Eventually US Marines withdrew and Sandino signed a peace treaty/ W the US-backed La Guardia Nacional- who promptly assassinated him the following year. One of the reasons Gunboat Diplomacy was seen as failing, and replaced by FDR Good_neighbor Policy of non-intervention.
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